How to Setup QEMU Output to Console and Automate Using Shell Script
SSH. Expect. Named pipes. Input/output to the host terminal. Early boot messages.

While struggling to automate QEMU guest (communicate and control with the shell scripts), I faced a lot of incomplete, partially working solutions around the Internet. Now, I've got a pretty decent collection of working recipes to tune up a QEMU guest, so I decided to organize all that stuff here, and it could be definitely useful for anyone else. Each scenario has been tested on the binaries, links on which I put below in the annex: Binaries used in the examples, so you could check it out on your own.
- Input/output to the host terminal
- Early boot messages in the host terminal
- Input/output through a
named pipe
(file) - Automate QEMU guest using
tool - Automate QEMU guest using
- Binaries used in examples
1. Input/output to the host terminal
-serial stdio
qemu-system-x86_64 -serial stdio wheezy.qcow2

-serial stdio redirects the virtual serial port to the host's terminal input/output. You will see a welcome string after a successful boot.
qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic wheezy.qcow2

-nographic does the same as "-serial stdio" and also hides a QEMU's graphical window.
- You will not see any early boot logs in the host's console. To get them, see Early boot messages in the host terminal below.
- To exit the guest system without GUI, using stdio redirected to the terminal, login as a root (user: root, password: root) and shutdown the system (wait after that for a while):
# Guest shutdown -h now
2. Early boot messages in the host terminal
If you want to see early boot logs, you should pass console=ttyS0
parameter to a Linux kernel command line:
qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -kernel vmlinuz -hda wheezy.img -append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0"
qemu-system-x86_64 -serial stdio -kernel vmlinuz -hda wheezy.img -append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0"
qemu-system-x86_64 -serial stdio wheezy.qcow2
# 1. Wait for a GRUB menu to show.
# 2. Press `e`.
# 3. Find the line starting with "linux".
# 4. Add "console=ttyS0".
qemu-system-x86_64 -serial stdio -kernel vmlinuz -hda wheezy.img -append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0":
- -serial stdio or -nographic redirects input/output to the current terminal.
- -append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0":
forces the guest kernel to send output to the first UART serial port ttyS0, which is redirected to the host by the-serial stdio
option, androot=/dev/sda
points the kernel to use a /dev/sda device to load the wheezy.img.
Other options:
- -kernel vmlinuz loads the kernel from the local "./vmlinuz" file.
- -hda wheezy.img is a raw image which is suitable for booting with vmlinuz binary (wheezy.qcow2 won't be recognized in the block device).
3. Input/output through a named pipe (file)
Create a named pipe
mkfifo /tmp/ /tmp/guest.out
Start QEMU
qemu-system-x86_64 -serial pipe:/tmp/guest -kernel vmlinuz -hda wheezy.img -append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0"
-serial pipe:/tmp/guest redirects a guest's output to a /tmp/guest.out and allows to send input from host to guest via /tmp/
Take an output from the guest
cat /tmp/guest.out
Send a command to the guest
When login screen appears, send a login string:
printf "root\n" > /tmp/
Wait until some string
Wait until SSH Daemon starts.
while read line; do
echo "${line}"
if [[ ${line} == *"Secure Shell server: sshd"* ]]; then
done < /tmp/quest.out
4. Automate QEMU guest using expect
Install "expect" tool
sudo apt install expect
Create an expect script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# Wait enough (forever) until a long-time boot
set timeout -1
# Start the guest VM
spawn qemu-system-x86_64 -serial stdio wheezy.qcow2
expect "login: "
send "root\n"
expect "Password: "
send "root\n"
expect "# "
send "shutdown -h now"
Original script is found there:, but be careful, symbol of quotes “ (which is not a ") in the original stackoverflow answer cannot be recognized by the expect utility (send "root\n"
Execute "expect" script
chmod +x example.exp
5. Automate QEMU guest using ssh
Set up port forwarding
qemu-system-x86_64 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22 -device e1000,netdev=net0 wheezy.qcow2
Connect via ssh
ssh root@localhost -p 10022 'uptime; ls; echo Test;'
- To apply server's public key automatically use
-o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"
:ssh root@localhost -p 10022 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" 'uptime; ls; echo Test;'
- QEMU guest has to be able to recognize a network card device (NIC, Network Interface Card):
-netdev user,id=net0 -device e1000,netdev=net0
.# Without port forwarding qemu-system-x86_64 -netdev user,id=net0 -device e1000,netdev=net0 wheezy.qcow2
- Boot and check that the new interface has appeared on the guest system:
Linux kernel on the guest must support a network card emulated by QEMU. In the opposite case the guest won't get a new Ethernet interface. After booting you should find "eth0" (running broadcast device, not loopback) on the guest. It depends solely on the guest Linux kernel and on the kernel modules.# Guest ifconfig -a
- Check the
port on the host:# Host netstat -tanp | grep 10022 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16589/qemu-system-x
- Check the
port on the guest:# Guest netstat -tanp | grep 22 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2430/sshd
- You can forward telnet port
and verify the connection:qemu-system-x86_64 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::10023-:23 -device e1000,netdev=net0 wheezy.qcow2
- Guest (server):
# Guest nc -v -l -p 23 Listening on [] (family 0, port 23)
- Host (client):
# Host echo asdf | nc localhost 10023
- Guest (server):
Establish passwordless login via ssh
- Generate host SSH keys:
# Host ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -q -N "" -f ./qemukey
- Set up a public key to the guest as a trusted (authorized) key.
- Via
- You need a root with password. You the guest root is passwordless, go to the guest system and set up the password:
# Guest sudo passwd
- Send the generated public key:
# Host ssh-copy-id -p 10022 -i ~/.ssh/qemukey root@localhost
- Reset the password in the guest system:
# Guest sudo passwd -l root
- You need a root with password. You the guest root is passwordless, go to the guest system and set up the password:
- Manually
- Send a public key via
:# Host scp -P 10022 ./ root@localhost:/root/.ssh/
- Login to the guest and set up new authorized key:
# Guest cat /root/.ssh/ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/init.d/ssh restart
- Or mount device locally, put the public key to the .ssh directory, and concatenate to authorized_keys.
- Send a public key via
- Via
- Fix the
on the guest:PasswordAuthentication no PermitRootLogin without-password
- Restart SSH daemon on the guest:
# Guest /etc/init.d/ssh restart
- Connect via ssh:
Viola! You don't need the password and you can automate the remote QEMU guest.# Host ssh root@localhost -p 10022 -i ./qemukey
Binaries used in the examples
- wheezy.qcow2 (i386): bootable Debian "Wheezy" image a QEMU copy-on-write format. Login/password: "root"/"root", and "user"/"user".
wget -O wheezy.qcow2
- wheezy.img (i386): non-bootable Debian "Wheezy" image (without kernel) to use with own kernel (-kernel vmlinuz).
- vmlinuz (i386): compressed bootable Linux kernel. Options:
- Build from the scratch: Build Android Kernel and Run on QEMU with Minimal Environment: Step by Step.
- Download from Ubuntu repository (WARNING! Port forwarding will NOT work):
wget ar x linux-image-4.15.0-1036-azure_4.15.0-1036.38~14.04.2_amd64.deb tar xf data.tar.xz ./boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1036-azure cp ./boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-1036-azure ./vmlinuz
- You can try your host's linux kernel passing one to the QEMU guest (WARNING! You could have problems either with port forwarding, or with a block device):
sudo cp /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) ./