Rust GOes Async

I found a quite helpful way to get a better feeling of async Rust by looking at it from the Go perspective.

Rust GOes Async
Go helps to figure out the asynchronous Rust

ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ go f(x) = spawn(f(x)) 🦀

I had a backend project of a microservice that needed to be implemented with asynchronous Rust. At that time, there was a similar Go project, so I kinda got the chance to look at async Rust through the lens of Go's approach.

There is something cozy about Go's goroutines: you just use the go keyword, and it magically runs a function concurrently on a lightweight "green thread".

Meanwhile, with asynchronous Rust, everything seems somehow god damn complicated.

However, my point is that it only seems complicated in Rust.

There are 2 reasons:

  1. The overall Rust complexity. It may complicate thinking and a learning curve.
  2. The way how the asynchronous Rust is studied.

I mean, a typical Rust guide, such as the async book, quickly dives you into an in-depth exploration of async types and event loop implementation. It's the case when you can't see the forest behind the trees. In contrast, a typical Go guide skips the intricate details.

So, I think it can be really helpful - seeing something complex through the lens of simplicity.

Let’s get straight to the point. I suggest the following mind map:

Go Rust
go f(x) spawn(f(x))
ch := make(chan int) let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(0)
ch <- v tx.send(v).await
v := <-ch let v = rx.recv().await
select tokio::select!

The Rust's spawn method may appear from different runtime crates, e.g. tokio::spawn, or async_std::task::spawn, however, the core concept remains the same. The mental model of running the "green threads" in Go ("go the func!") maps closely to Rust’s async tasks spawning ("spawn the task!").

ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ go the func = spawn the task 🦀

Also, there are many similar instruments in both languages like synchronization channels and the select notion.

go -> spawn

Let’s look at the Go's concurrency example and compare it to its Rust equivalent.

package main

import (

func say(s string) {
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

func main() {
	go say("world")

The program creates a lightweight green thread (goroutine) to execute say("world") concurrently while the main function continues with say("hello").

What is the Rust equivalent?

use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};

async fn say(s: &str) {
    for _ in 0..5 {

async fn main() {

say("world") runs concurrently using tokio::spawn while the main function continues with say("hello"). This causes "hello" to print five times while "world" prints concurrently, resulting in interleaved outputs.

Let's compare them closely.


go say("world")



A similar async-std approach would look like this:


💡 spawn(f(x)) starts a new asynchronous task managed by an asynchronous runtime.

🚩 The example is simplified: the spawned task should be awaited in the main() function; otherwise, the program will exit as soon as say("hello") in main() finishes its job. The example works because main() gives the spawned task enough time by printing 5 lines.

Rust syntax is more explicit.

Also, with Rust, a lot of "meta-thinking" is involved: what runtime to choose, and are there any compatibility issues? That's why mental simplification helps to get through all these complications.

The Rust syntax looks a little bit more scary. But it only seems scary.

  • #[tokio::main] annotation marks async main to be executed by the tokio runtime.
    • In Go, there is only one option: a built-in runtime (even loop), while in Rust, developers have to choose among many options.
  • async in front of main is needed to mark an async context of execution:
    • In Go this detail is hidden and managed by the language itself, but in Rust, there is a clear distinction between a synchronous execution and execution in an asynchronous context.
  • tokio::spawn specifies that the spawner belongs to the tokio crate.
    • I prefer the explicitness of the spawn invocation via the "crate::spawn" notation because multiple crates may provide their own spawn function. For example, ntex::spawn can coexist with tokio::spawn - they are cross-compatible but behave slightly differently.

select -> tokio::select!

Let's look at another asynchronous technique: select.

ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ select = tokio::select! 🦀

select allows to wait on multiple concurrent branches. The basic pattern in Go and Rust is the following:

loop { // infinitely
    select { // only one of
        case #1: sending a message
        case #2: waiting for a message
        case #3: doing something async

Let's take a concurrent Go's Fibonacci example.

func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) {
	x, y := 0, 1
	for {
		select {
		case c <- x:
			x, y = y, x+y
		case <-quit:

A Rust equivalent looks as follows (pay attention to the comment lines!):

async fn fibonacci(c: mpsc::Sender<i32>, mut quit: mpsc::Receiver<()>) {
    let (mut x, mut y) = (0, 1);

    loop { // for
        tokio::select! { // select
            _ = c.send(x) => { // case c <- x
                (x, y) = (y, x + y);
            Some(_) = quit.recv() => { // case <-quit

Rust code is more verbose and explicit, but functionally identical. Here's the visual recap:

Simplify the Mental Model

A straightforward mental model can ease the learning curve, making a Rust developer competitive in the backend development domain. For instance:

  1. go f(x) = spawn(f(x))
  2. async fn is just a "Future", and "Future" is just a state machine
  3. Rust channels are as easy as in Go
  4. async block async {} is my friend :)
  5. etc.

Async programming in Rust doesn’t have to be any more intimidating. With the right framing, it can be just as accessible and intuitive.